Dental Practice Act Course - RP6193

The California Dental Practice Act is the body of laws in the California Business and Professions Code (CBPC) and the California Code of Regulations (CCR) governing all dental professionals, including dentists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, orthodontists, unlicensed dental assistants, registered dental assistants, and dental hygienists. The Act is intended to serve as a legal guideline for both professionals and the public regarding all aspects of dental practice. As defined in Section 1016.(b)1 of the CCR, continuing education on the California Dental Practice Act is required and must include instruction on utilization, scope of practice, prescribing laws, violations, citations, fines, licensure, the identification of abuse, and mandatory abuse reporting . Of course, the Act is a much larger volume, so much so that it is beyond the scope of this course to elucidate every section. The Dental Practice Act is not intended to replace professional oaths and codes of ethics but does define actions and omissions that may lead to legal action and revocation of a license to practice dentistry in the State of California, the laws of which are continually evolving. The Dental Board of California (a division of the California Department of Consumer Affairs), which consists of eight practicing dentists, one registered dental hygienist, one registered dental assistant (each practicing for at least five years), and five public members, is responsible for licensure of qualified dental health professionals, enforcement of the California Dental Practice Act, and improving the education of consumers and licensees [19]. The Board’s highest priority is to protect the health and safety of the public. In addition, the practice of dental hygiene is regulated by the Dental Hygiene Board of California, the first of its kind in the United States .

Tuition for the 5-hour course is $50 - Register now! Space is limited. First come, first served.

Upon completion of this course, the student will be issued a California Dental Board Approved Certificate.


Dental Board of California - Approved Infection Control Course - IC158